
Big Music

Beat is given a chance to shine when she is appointed dean of Turalong Music School, but her role is not what it seems.

Fine-tuning this institution is like playing a cracked violin with broken strings. She’s determined to revive the school’s reputation despite gender bias, staff conflict, fraud, betrayal, a famous composer’s ghost and a...

Elvis and Me

How a world-weary musician and a broken racehorse rescued each other

After retiring from her position as Head of Music at a prestigious arts college, Gillian Wills buys her first horse on a whim. Elvis is emaciated, emotionally scarred, saddle-phobic and has a bad attitude to boot. Although he was described as ‘perfect for beginners’, Gillian soon discovers there is nothing perfect or standard about him! Leaning...

'Ah Music, A Magic Beyond All We Do Here,' p. 289, Gillian Wills, Sound Musicianship, ed. Andrew Brown, Cambridge University Press, 2012

Understanding the Crafts of Music

Sound Musicianship is a book for music educators and musicians about musicianship—about musical skills, abilities, habits, sensibilities and understandings. Musicianship is explored as a form of craftsmanship. Like most crafts, music requires a balance of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that contribute to a highly tuned ability to...

Make It Sound

A collection of 18 arrangements introducing six distinct musical styles (pop, reggae, soul, rock'n'roll, classical, and jazz) to children.